Check out our blog posts for Estate Planning tips, resources, and recent developments

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating Your Estate Plan With AI
Kerri Koen, Esq. Kerri Koen, Esq.

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating Your Estate Plan With AI

The allure of Do-It-Yourself estate planning through AI is strong, especially when you think your situation is simple and straightforward. But here’s the truth: estate planning is not just about creating a set of documents, and it’s almost always more complicated than you think.

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The Special Needs Planning Lesson We Learned From Aretha Franklin's Estate Battle
Erin Nobles Erin Nobles

The Special Needs Planning Lesson We Learned From Aretha Franklin's Estate Battle

Aretha Franklin wowed America and the world as the Queen of Soul, but Aretha did not wow us with her estate planning. She left two handwritten Wills, and the one a jury ruled valid was found stuffed between her couch cushions. To settle a dispute over the two Wills, two of her sons went to court against a third, and while the two may have declared victory, it’s hard to feel that anyone truly won. An estate initially estimated to be valued at $80 million was whittled down to $4 million by the time the case was concluded, and while some funds were lost unnecessarily to taxes, a large portion was lost to the lawsuit itself.

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4 Common Mistakes Made On Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
Erin Nobles Erin Nobles

4 Common Mistakes Made On Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations

Investing in life insurance is a foundational part of estate planning, and when done right it’s a primary way to say “I love you” to your loved ones after you are gone. However, when naming your policy’s beneficiaries, several mistakes can lead to potentially dire consequences for the people you’re investing  to protect and support.

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5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk - Part 2
Kerri Koen, Esq. Kerri Koen, Esq.

5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk - Part 2

From LegalZoom® and Rocket Lawyer® to and, these DIY legal documents may seem like a cheap and easy way to finally cross estate planning off your to-do list—and do so without having to pay a lawyer big bucks to assist you. After all, you’ve been able to prepare and file your taxes online for years, is estate planning really that much different?

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5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk - Part 1
Kerri Koen, Esq. Kerri Koen, Esq.

5 Ways DIY Estate Plans Can Fail & Leave Your Family At Risk - Part 1

From LegalZoom® and Rocket Lawyer® to and, these DIY legal documents may seem like a cheap and easy way to finally cross estate planning off your to-do list—and do so without having to pay a lawyer big bucks to assist you. After all, you’ve been able to prepare and file your taxes online for years, is estate planning really that much different?

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Married in Massachusetts? A Joint Revocable Living Trust May Be Your Best Option
Erin Nobles Erin Nobles

Married in Massachusetts? A Joint Revocable Living Trust May Be Your Best Option

When younger clients are juggling multiple RLTs, realty trusts, and ILITs with no idea why, it’s often a sign that they have a cookie cutter estate plan that doesn’t serve them. In my experience, an overly complicated estate plan can result in a failure to fund properly, and can create a probate time bomb that families won’t even learn about until it’s too late.

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Why “Just a Will” Is Never Enough
Kerri Koen, Esq. Kerri Koen, Esq.

Why “Just a Will” Is Never Enough

When you think of estate planning, a Will is usually the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, most people who contact me tell me they don’t need anything complicated for their estate- just a Will. But although they are a key part of your estate plan, relying on only a Will leaves huge gaps in your estate and actually guarantees that your family will need to go to court when you die.

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